Course 604: Overview of IT security risk management: A lifecycle approach (ITSG-33)


To avoid the effects of threats that can compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of their activities, departments need to perform security risk management on their IT assets and information systems. This online course provides a high-level appreciation of the ITSG-33 concepts and processes and the benefits in managing IT-related security risks to departmental business activities. Learners will be exposed to the main security-related questions upon which ITSG-33 is based and given information on a range of aspects where ITSG-33 can help in managing IT security risks.


  • Business needs for IT security risk management
  • Essential questions
  • Overview of the ITSG-33 process
  • Benefits of the ITSG-33 approach

Target audience

This activity has been designed for functional specialists in information technology management, functional specialists in security, senior managers and senior executives in the Public Service of Canada.

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