This course will focus on applicable technical safeguards to insider threats, recognizing that is it not easy to secure completely. There are several technical safeguards to leverage: separation of duties, personnel rotation, privilege and permission management, two-person integrity, complete mediation of activities, and monitoring and surveillance. The course will present how and why these controls can help to mitigate, detect, and investigate insider wrongdoing.
- Identify insider threats and the motivations behind them
- Distinguish between types of insider threats
- Describe tactics, techniques and procedures used in insider threats
- Apply security controls and countermeasures to mitigate insider threat
Target audience
IT practitioners, IT decision makers, and other technical/security personnel interested in learning more about insider threats.
Prior to attending, it would be beneficial for participants to take course 602 - Discovering Cyber Security. It may also be beneficial to take course 109 - Cyber Security Foundations for GC Information Systems.