Report a cyber incident


If you receive a call claiming to come from us, please call us 1-833-CYBER-88 or email to verify its legitimacy.

Reporting to the Cyber Centre will not launch an immediate law enforcement response, such as investigating cybercrime or other criminal offences.

If you believe a cyber incident is an imminent threat to life or of a criminal nature, please contact your local police services (911) or the RCMP. We encourage all victims to report cybercrime activities to law enforcement.

Reporting a cyber incident helps the Cyber Centre keep Canada and Canadians safe online. Your information will enable us to provide cybersecurity advice, guidance and services.

Start reporting as

An individual

A person

An organization

A small and medium business
An IT professional
A large organization or infrastructure
A government institution

For information on how to protect yourself from common online threats, such as phishing, identity theft and cybercrime, visit Get Cyber Safe.

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