Using your mobile device securely (ITSAP.00.001)

Alternate format: Using your mobile device securely (ITSAP.00.001) (PDF, 782 KB)

Your mobile device provides an easy way to work from anywhere, at any time. While they play an important role at work, they can pose a threat to your organization’s information and networks, if compromised.

The mobile threat environment

The cyber threat Cyber threatA threat actor, using the internet, who takes advantage of a known vulnerability in a product for the purposes of exploiting a network and the information the network carries. environment is changing very quickly. Threats are constantly evolving, and threat actors can:

  • leverage new and evolving tactics and techniques, and
  • access easy to use and widely available hacking tools.

Mobile devices are prime targets for threat actors who want to gather information about you or your organization. A compromised device could allow threat actors to access your organization’s network and obtain its information.


Canadian organizations and individuals are prime targets for threat actors due to Canada’s wealth, resources, and strong relationships with other countries. Employees at any level can be potential targets, but threat actors frequently target:

  • senior executives and their assistants
  • help desk staff and system administrators
  • users who have access to sensitive information
  • users with remote access
  • employees who deal with members of the public

There are many ways to gain access to the information stored on or transmitted by a mobile device. You need to remain aware of your surroundings when using your device and be vigilant while using the Internet and downloading applications. Remember, anyone can be a target – including you.

Targeting methods

Threat actors looking to gather information on employees, projects, and systems use many different methods, including:

  • remotely accessing and controlling your device
  • physically tampering with your device
  • using your mobile device’s tracking function to determine your location
  • sending messages by SMS, email, or social media with malicious links

Taking action to protect your mobile devices

There are a few simple actions you can take to drastically reduce the risk of exposing sensitive or personal information:

  • Connect through a VPN wherever possible
  • Use a PIN or passphrase to protect your device
  • Deactivate features when not in use, such as GPS, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi
  • Avoid joining unknown, unsecured, or public Wi-Fi networks
  • Delete all information stored on a device prior to discarding it
  • Avoid opening files, clicking on links, or calling numbers contained in unsolicited text messages or emails
  • Update software, including operating systems and applications
  • Check privacy policies and user reviews on applications before downloading to ensure they are reliable
  • Use unique and complex passphrases or passwords and activate multi-factor authentication (MFA), if available
  • Avoid using free password managers that are not part of your operating system or browser
  • Limit the use of “remember me” features on websites and mobile applications – if MFA is not available, type in your username and passphrase or password to log in for important accounts
  • Use encryption features to secure personal or sensitive data and messages
  • Keep track of your devices, including cables, chargers, and peripherals

Considerations when travelling with your device

You should carefully consider the risks of using mobile devices while travelling outside of Canada. Know your organization’s policies on travelling with corporately owned mobile devices and take note of the following:

  • Increase the security of the information stored on your device by following your organization’s mobile device travel policies before, during and after you travel.
  • In some countries, hotel business centres and phone networks are monitored, and rooms may even be searched.
  • Senior executives and those working with valuable information are at a higher risk of being targeted through their mobile devices.
  • Mobile devices are a prime target for theft, and if stolen, the information they contain may be accessed and used for malicious purposes.

Where can I learn more?

Consult Mobile devices and business travellers (ITSAP.00.087) for more information on travelling with your device.

Learn more

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