Social engineering – ITSAP.00.166

Social engineering Social engineeringThe practice of obtaining confidential information by manipulation of legitimate users. A social engineer will commonly use the telephone or internet to trick people into revealing sensitive information. For example, phishing is a type of social engineering. attacks occur when a threat actor uses social connection and manipulation to pressure or trick users into doing something that is against the best interest of your organization (like providing sensitive details, passwords, or financial information). Threat actors often impersonate a known person, a reputable organization or vendor, or even a government employee. They may try to influence users into doing something which gives them access to your environment, such as changing an account password. With this information, threat actors can steal your organization’s business and financial information, access user accounts, and potentially deploy malware MalwareMalicious software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system, without the owner's consent. Common forms of malware include computer viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, and adware. . Anyone can be a target of a social engineering attack, from an individual employee to the CEO of your organization. Knowing how to identify and safeguard your employees from social engineering attacks is crucial in protecting your organization’s network, systems, and data.

How does social engineering work?

Social engineering attacks are also referred to as “human hacking” since threat actors leverage information they’ve found on the Internet and social media platforms to target individuals and organizations. Threat actors use this information as bait to lure or trick users into disclosing information about their accounts, passwords, and even system access within your organization. Threat actors use psychological techniques to evoke an emotional response to pressure users into completing a task or use attention grabbing titles to get users to click on malicious links.

Examples of social engineering attacks

  • Phishing is a tactic threat actors use where a message that appears to be from a trusted source is sent to a large number of recipients. The message may ask recipients to provide sensitive information, complete an action (like change a personal or network password) or click on a link which looks legitimate but is actually malicious. For more information, consult Don’t take the bait: Recognize and avoid phishing attacks - ITSAP.00.101.
  • Spear phishing is a phishing attack sent to a select group of individuals or a single person which includes details that are tailored to be more convincing and make the source appear more legitimate.
  • Whaling is a phishing attack that targets a highlevel employee such as a CEO or CFO.
  • Smishing is a phishing attack sent through short message system (SMS) or text message.
  • Quishing occurs when a phishing attack includes a quick response (QR) code that takes you to a malicious website when scanned. For more information, consult Security considerations for QR codes - ITSAP.00.141.
  • Vishing is a phishing attack through voicemail or voice call on a landline, cell phone, or voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). Threat actors may use a spoofed phone number or alter their voice to disguise their identity. Threat actors may also utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to disguise themselves or imitate someone you know. For more information, consult What is voice phishing? ITSAP.00.102.
  • Baiting is a social engineering attack that occurs when a threat actor convinces you to take an action (like clicking on a malicious link) by promising you something appealing like a prize.
  • Quid pro quo is a social engineering attack where a threat actor convinces you to give up sensitive information about you or your organization or preform a task (like clicking on a malicious link) in exchange for the promise of a service in return.
  • Honey traps occur in social engineering attacks where a threat actor engages you in a fake romantic relationship online in order to get money or sensitive information from you.
  • Scareware is a type of social engineering attack where a threat actor convinces you that your computer or network is at risk in hopes that you will take certain actions (like clicking on a malicious link).

Watch out for unsolicited communications with:

  • attachments
  • hidden links
  • spoofed websites
  • malicious QR codes
  • login pages
  • urgent requests
  • threatening or urgent language prompts for personal or sensitive information
  • callers who claim to be government officials or bank representatives

Social engineering lifecycle

Threat actors typically follow a similar pattern when executing social engineering attacks. Knowing and understanding the actions a threat actor takes within this pattern can help you educate your employees and protect your organization.

The diagram below demonstrates the phases of a social engineering attack and the main actions a threat actor might take within each phase.

1. The bait

Threat actors research your organization and employees, then target them with an attack that appears to come from a trusted source. Information posted on social media sites, like Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, or Instagram can be leveraged by threat actors to enhance the rouse that they know their target. The knowledge they have makes them seem more trustworthy and authentic.

2. The hook

Using social connection, sympathy, imposed urgency, threats, or a disarming tone a threat actor hooks the victim into their scheme. Users believe the scenario or request presented is real and that the threat actor is authentic.

3. The attack

Users are tricked into giving up sensitive information about themselves or your organization by clicking on a malicious link, changing passwords that give a threat actor access to accounts and networks, or opening a malicious attachment. This provides the threat actor with the key to unlock and steal your information.

4. The escape

Once a threat actor has convinced the user to complete a task, or has the information they want, they will disappear. They may also use scare tactics to silence their victim.

What can you do to protect your organization?

Social engineering attacks can be harmful to your organization. It can also disrupt your operations if your IT environment is compromised. The following list of action items can help you protect your organization:

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